When taking financial advice, in all aspects of financial planning, individuals generally feel more comfortable with advisers who are experienced, authorized and regulated. This is no different for people who are seeking advice on QROPS (Qualifying Recognized Overseas Pension Schemes).
QROPS have been an essential part of retirement planning, especially for people who are migrating, since 6th April 2006 – when they first came into effect.
QROPS are essentially overseas pension schemes that are approved by the UK’s Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for receiving UK pension transfer funds. The Global QROPS Ltd advisory team have been advising on UK pension transfers to overseas schemes since before QROPS were first introduced, in the Finance Act 2004, and have been advising clients and assisting other financial advisers on QROPS from their launch to the present.
Global QROPS Ltd was established with the specific purposes of providing QROPS advice and our launch has been covered in the international financial press: http://issues.lastwordmedia.com/1N4a71b86ba6a89012.cde/page/8
Global QROPS Ltd are based in the UK and authorized and regulated by the UK financial services authority (FSA).